
  Music Grades 


Brentwood student music grades are based on 3 factors. Daily music classroom participation, classroom behavior and music academics/achievement.


Participation: Students are expected participate in all activities in the music room. Singing songs (no mouths closed), dancing, playing instruments, working on music folders, joining in discussion, and playing games.


Classroom Behavior: Students are expected to raise their hands, wait for permission to talk, and follow directions. Students are expected to be polite to the teacher and one another. Students are expected to keep hands and all other body parts to themselves.


Music Academics/Achievement: Students have periodic assessments of music concepts. The assessments may be through instrumental play, physical or vocal response, music folders or a written test.


Concert attendance: Students are required to attend all scheduled concerts for their grade level. Kindergarten has a concert in February, 1-3rd grade has 2 concerts; one at Christmas and another at the end of the school year. 4-6th grade has 2 concerts; one at Christmas and another at the end of the school year. Due to the class time used to prepare for the concerts, attendance is mandatory. If a student does not attend it will effect their music grade. Extenuating circumstances are understood, but please notify in advance.


Student grades are given by Quarter and can be found by logging into the school "" program.